Escort Charleroi - 1838

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Are there any unwritten rules when using an escort?

People from all over the world have been hiring prostitutes and escorts for centuries. However, after all this time, there are some who haven’t learned the proper escort etiquette and aren’t exactly sure how to behave with a call girl they hire. If you want to know more about the unwritten rules of hiring a escort Charleroi, you have come to the right place. Here are the basic rules every client should follow as well as some useful tips to keep in mind.

Rule 1: Treat her like a professional

escort Charlerois are professionals like all other professional service providers out there and they should always be treated with respect. You are free to ask for any type of experience that comes to your mind, but keep in mind that not all escorts will agree to provide all services you can think of. Its possible to ask if the escort have been doing jobs elsewhere, and been an bruxelles escort or namur escort, if thats the fact you know the escort is more experienced, and often you will have a better time. If that is the case and if the escort refuses to engage in a particular activity with you, you should respect her rules and limitations instead of trying to force her into something she doesn’t feel like doing.

Useful tip: If you have any requirements that could be considered non-mainstream, the best way to go would be to hire a niche escort that specializes in the type of services that you require. Simply contact the escort agency of your choice, describe your desired experience to the agency staff, and they will help you choose the right call girl for your needs.

Rule 2: Be on time

Each escort Charleroi usually sees multiple clients in one day which means she works on a thigh schedule because she needs the time to prepare for every meeting. If you have choosen an mons escort, remeber the traffic time and drive abit sooner then the GPS says. With that in mind, you should respect your escort’s time and do simple things like meet her on time, pay her as soon as she has provided you with the services you ordered, and don’t try to keep her around for too long once the meeting is near its end.

Useful tip: If you know you are going to be late, let the escort Charleroi know. Also, prepare the money you need to pay for her services in advance instead of making her wait for you until you find the nearest ATM after she has provided you with the services she was supposed to.

Rule 3: Be alone

The clients sometimes think it would be a good idea if their best friend joined them during the meeting with an escort from charleroi. For the record, this is strictly forbidden and it is only okay to bring an extra person if the escort agrees to take part in such experience. This means no roommates in your place if she is coming to visit you, no third person in the hotel room, etc.

Useful tip: If you want a group experience, simply notify the escort in advance and see if she is willing to provide this type of service. Also, if you have any pets in the place of your meeting, let her know because she might be allergic or afraid of certain animals.