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What is Escort?
Escorts and escort services have been around for a long time. Back in ancient times, this was a practice in temples as a way of worship. Over the years, the reasons for hiring escorts have changed, but the escorting and prostitution business has never ceased to exist. In fact, we might live in an era when hiring call girls is more popular than ever brugte trusser and getragene unterwäsche verkaufen.
But what exactly is an escort and how does it work if you want to hire one? First of all, there are several differences between escorts and prostitutes. You might think that these two types of professionals do the same job, but the truth is that their services are, in fact, quite different. Long story short, prostitutes sell sex for money while the escorts offer companionship that may or may not include sex. This is part of the reason why hiring an escort is legal even in the majority of countries where prostitution is forbidden by law.
In fact, the range of services provided by the escorts is quite broad and it all comes down to how a specific client wants to spend their time with the escort their hire. However, for the sake of a better understanding of these services, we are going to describe the most popular ones. If you want you can also find escort i Danmark
The first service we should mention is the service that does not include sex and it is called a general or traditional companionship; some people also call it the non-full service aka NFS. In this case, the escort is simply selling you her time and how the two of you decide to spend it is entirely up to you. For some people, this means taking an escort on a business trip, for others it means talking about life’s issues during the Sunday’s walk in the park. The possibilities are countless and the two of you can do anything together as long as both of you are okay with that. However, keep in mind that sexual services are not included in the traditional companionship.
On the other hand, if you do want to have sex with the escort you hire, the type of service you need to ask for is the full companionship. Once again, the two of you might spend your time together however you see fit but in this case, sexual services are on the table too. But speaking of sexual services, every client should know that each escort has different rules and restrictions when it comes to sex. This brings us to the following services and although all of them include sex, they are all quite different.
All escorts who agree to perform sexual acts with their clients will agree to have vanilla sex with them, which means simple genital sex with no extras. However, if a client has some specific needs and requirements that don’t exactly fit the vanilla description, they need to make sure that they are hiring the right escort for the job. Luckily, there are many niche escorts out that and everyone will find a perfect call girl for them if only they look hard enough.
Niche escorts are escorts that specialize in a specific niche or field of sexual activities. For example, if a client has a specific fetish, they might want to consider hiring a niche escort who is willing to participate in this type of fantasies. Let’s say that a client wants to have a date with a BDSM dominant woman; if that is the case, he should hire an escort who has experience with scenarios like this. There are countless niches and countless escorts specializing in different things such as roleplaying, BDSM, A-level, age play, animal play, etc. The key is to find the escort that perfectly matches your desires.
However, there are also many other types of experiences that don’t exactly fall under the fetish category and the majority of escorts would agree to provide these services. The most popular of those experiences include the girlfriend experience aka GFE, and the porn star experience aka PSE. You can probably tell by the name what these two types of service are about, but let’s still quickly explain them.
The girlfriend experience is perfect for the clients who want their meeting with an escort to resemble a date with their girlfriend. This type of experience would normally be more romantic and sensitive than other escort-client experiences. However, each client can specify for themselves what exactly they want this experience to obtain. For example, for some clients, this is a perfect opportunity to have a romantic date of their dreams including having a candlelit dinner, watching a romantic comedy in the cinema, taking a carriage ride under the start, and having a sensual night in the hotel room. For others, this simply means sex that involves more cuddling and snuggling that it usually would with a call girl. Both options are perfectly fine and it all boils down to each client’s specific needs.
The porn star experience, on the other hand, is the opposite of the girlfriend experience and it is all about the escort behaving like a porn star would during one of the sex scenes. If you want your escort experience to be as passionate and adventurous as possible, not to mention entirely different from having sex with regular girls, the porn star experience would probably be a good choice for you. Some escorts agree to reenact specific porn film scenes with their clients, some watch porn together with the clients, and in some cases, actual porn stars are available for hire for this type of experience. If you are lucky enough and willing to pay enough, you might just get yourself a date with your favorite adult actress.
There are, of course, many other services provided by the escorts, but it would be nearly impossible to talk about all of them. The point is that you should always find the right escort for your needs. All of these girls are wonderful, smart, and pretty, but the best escort is the escort that is your perfect match. And speaking of finding the right escort for you, we should probably go over the entire hiring process step by step now and explain some of the most important things every client should know before they schedule a meeting with a call girl.
Hiring an escort step by step
Here are the basic steps every client should follow when hiring an escort:
STEP 1: Know the local laws on prostitution and escorting
Before you decide to do anything, you should make sure that you are not breaking any laws. Check the prostitution law in the country where you want to hire your next escort. If prostitution is illegal there, it means that you cannot legally pay for sexual services. That being said, escorting is legal even in some countries where prostitution is not. However, even in those cases, you will not be allowed to pay for sex; you can purchase the escort’s time and companionship.
STEP 2: Know what you want
Like we said in the previous part of this article, escorts provide all kinds of services and if you don’t know what you want, it will be really hard for you to choose the best escort for your needs. Think about the kind of experience you would like to have with your call girl and once you have a general idea about what you want, you can move on to the next step.
STEP 3: Decide on the budget
Once you know what type of service you require, you should also know how much money you are willing to spend on the escort services. Not only will this help you choose the service provider that offers you the best deal for your money, but it will also help you not to get overly excited and spend much more than you intended. Have an approximate number in mind and try to stick to it if you don’t want to overspend. However, the experienced clients all agree that it is always a good idea to save up some money before hiring an escort because the services get significantly better when you are willing to pay more.
STEP 4: Do a thorough research
The only way to choose the right escort for the job is by doing a little bit of research to weed out the unreliable service providers. There are many escorts available for hire out there but that does not mean that all of them are worth hiring. Check out their websites, see if all the information adds up and don’t stick around for too long if something seems suspicious. Also, don’t forget to read as many online reviews as possible to learn from other people’s mistakes. After all, if 100 clients before you were not happy with the services provided to them by a certain escort, there is a good chance you will be disappointed too; and vice versa. It is crucial to stick to the trustworthy and reliable service providers in this business if you want to get your money’s worth.
STEP 5: Talk to the escort before you hire her
Once you find one or more escorts that you like best, you should spend some time talking to them to ensure that you are on the same page. Good communication is the foundation upon a successful escort-client business relationship is built on and only be describing your needs and asking all the questions you might have, you can ensure that you are going to get the services you require. You can call the escort on the phone or you can contact her via an online chat if that option is available on your escort’s website.
STEP 6: Schedule a meeting
When you are sure you have found the right girl for the job, it is time to schedule a meeting. There a chance you will have to go through a quick verification process and possibly even pay a deposit. Both of these requirements are quite standard and they are not to be alarmed by if you are dealing with a reputable escort agency. The screening process will likely involve disclosing your real name and phone number, while the deposit payment will be used as a form of compensation in case you don’t make it to the meeting.
STEP 7: Have fun
Once you meet the escort, it is all about having fun and turning your wildest fantasies into reality. You don’t have to worry about your sexual or conversational skills or about your looks; the escort will be there for you and provide you with the top-notch services no matter what you look like or what your skills in the bedroom are. As long as you respect your escort and treat her right, she will treat you right too.
Speaking of the way you treat the escort, we should also mention the basic rules of the escort etiquette. By following these simple tips, you will make the experience much more pleasurable for your escort and consequently, for you as well.
Escort etiquette: the basic rules and tips
Get ready for the meeting
This might come across quite obvious but getting ready for the meeting with an escort is a lot like getting ready for any other date. The first and foremost thing to keep in mind here is personal hygiene. What that means is that every client should take a shower, put on clean clothes, brush their teeth, and similar before meeting a call girl. Also, if you are feeling nervous and want to calm your nerves with a drink, keep in mind that meeting your escort completely wasted is not appropriate; one or two drinks are fine, an entire bottle of scotch is not. On top of that, don’t forget to prepare the cash you need to pay the escort. She will likely ask to see the money at the beginning of the meeting, and you should have the exact amount with you.
Don’t be late
A client should always respect the escort’s time because call girls work on a tight schedule. That being said, if you are late, you will still have to pay for the time you missed. On top of that, you should also try not to waste your escort’s time for nothing. This means that if you need to cancel the appointment, you should let her know instead of letting her waiting for you. Also, once the meeting is over, don’t try to keep your escort around for too long. Keep in mind that she likely has a client to meet after you and she needs her time to get ready. Stalling and not paying her right away for the services is a big no-no in the escort etiquette. Respect your escort’s time and only spend as much time with her as the two of you agreed.
No cameras
This is a well known unwritten rule regarding the meetings with the escorts but in case you are not familiar with it, keep in mind that you should never take pictures of your escort during your date. There are some exceptions to that rule and all of them involve the escort giving you an explicit consent to take pictures or videos of her. You should never try to do it secretly without asking her first because it could cause huge problems in her life if those pictures got out. With that in mind, keep your camera out of reach and if the escort is visiting you in your home, don’t forget to turn off the nanny cams, security cameras, or basically cameras of any sort.
Mutual respect is key
The best way to get the most out of your experience with your escort is to show her that you respect her and to never do things she is not comfortable with. If you respect her and treat her right, she will put an extra effort into pleasing you in any way she can. If you are rude to her, not only will she not be as eager to do her best, but you could also get in some legal trouble. It all comes down to mutual respect in every aspect. On top of that, you should also respect your escort’s privacy and never approach her in public, never share her identity with anyone, and never share her personal information such as her address and similar with other people.
Don’t rush things
When you and the escort meet for the first time, it would be a good idea to try and take things slow. We don’t mean spending hours talking if you don’t feel like it but try to avoid being too eager and give the escort a minute to get comfortable around you. For example, it would be nice of you if you offered her a drink (in an unopened bottle) and talk to her for a while to help her relax. However, stay away from the uncomfortable subjects and don’t ask her too many personal questions. No escort enjoys talking with her clients about her personal relationships, children, the reasons she became an escort, and similar. Have several friendly topics prepared and stick to them to avoid making her even more uncomfortable around you.
No last minute bartering
Once the price has been agreed upon, the price is set and final – no last-minute bartering and haggling. You should always pay as agreed when the escort meets you and if you cannot afford it, pick a different service or a different service provider. Have the money ready when the two of you meet and don’t waste your escort’s time running around and trying to get a sufficient amount at the end of the meeting. Also, one thing to keep in mind is that you should always pay cash for the escort services rather than sharing your bank account or credit card details. It is safer this way and it enables you to only bring the money you need to pay the escort and leave the rest somewhere out of reach. That being said, you should never bring lots of valuable things with you to the meeting and you should definitely not bring loads of cash that you don’t need to pay the escort. Have the amount you need to cover for the services and maybe a little something extra in case you want to tip the escort. However, bringing more than that is unnecessary, not to mention quite risky.
Always use protection
Having unsafe sex with an escort is a big no-no and the vast majority of high-class escorts would never agree to provide this type of service, and you should not bother to ask for it. Sexually transmitted diseases are a very real threat in the sex industry, but they can be easily avoided by using proper protection methods every single time an escort engages in sexual acts with her clients. If you are a client, we would also advise you to bring your own condoms to ensure that they perfectly fit your size and that they are of the highest quality. Keep in mind that you will likely have to use them during all types of sexual services, including oral sex, and similar. There are no exceptions for this rule and it is for the best.
No means no
As we said before, different escorts provide different services and that is why it is critical to find the right escort for your specific needs. Keep in mind that every call girl has her own limitations, rules, and restrictions and you should never, ever try to push her into doing something she refuses. No means no – as simple as that. By breaking this rule, not only will your meeting get terminated with no refund, but you will also likely be blacklisted from all reputable escort service providers in the area, not to mention the trouble you could get into with the local law enforcement. An escort is a professional just like any other professional out there and your meeting with her should be treated as a business transaction; no nitty-gritty.
An escort has to be at least 18 years old
In some parts of the world, the prostitution of minors is a serious issue and you should never, EVER hire a call girl if you suspect she is younger than 18. Even in the countries where the age of consent for non-commercial sex is lower than 18, the escorts and prostitutes still need to be older than 18 to accept sex for money. If you have a reason to suspect that your escort is a minor, ask for the proof of age, and if she refuses to provide it, cancel the meeting immediately.
Provide feedback
Providing feedback is always useful when it comes to any kind of professional services, and escort services are no different. Provide the feedback to the escort herself, to the agency that employs her, and also write a quick online review if your experience was particularly good or bad. By providing feedback, you can help the agencies improve their services by firing the escorts that are not able to meet the client’s requirements and the industry standards. By writing the reviews, on the other hand, you can help the new clients choose the best service providers and stay away from the scammers and the agencies who provide poor services not worth anybody’s money.
Now that we have covered the basics of hiring an escort as well as the escort etiquette, the big question each potential client should ask themselves is whether or not it is worth to them to pay for these services. If you are still not entirely sure if the escorts are worth your money, you should check out the biggest pros and cons of hiring an escort. Hopefully, this will help you make your mind.
Hiring an escort: pros and cons
Pro: It saves you time and effort
While casual dating takes a lot of time and effort, hiring an escort is quite effortless. All you have to do is pick the escort you like best and book a meeting. There are many reasons people decide to hire an escort; some of them want to take a break from all emotional relationships without having to sacrifice their sex life, the others simply don’t want to waste lots of time on meeting new people and dating and want to get directly to the good stuff. No matter the reason, if you decide to hire an escort, it will definitely save you time and effort compared to casual dating.
Con: It costs money
The biggest con of hiring an escort that immediately comes to mind is the fact that you are paying for something that you could get for free. However, as we mentioned before, while the escorts cost you money, they save you time and effort and it all comes down to the questions of whether or not it is personally worth it to you to pay for someone’s time and companionship. The passionate escort clients argue there is no such thing as free sex; it might not be cash, but it will cost you something.
Pro: Lovely women
Unlike street prostitutes, the high-class escorts are truly lovely ladies who are both gorgeous and intelligent, not to mention classy. With escorts, you don’t have to worry about them embarrassing you during your business trips or business dinners, you don’t have to worry that people in the lobby of your hotel will know that you have paid for their company; you don’t have to worry about any on that. On top of being skilled in sex, the escorts are great companions and many highly intelligent and successful men love their company because they are great to talk to and they help you battle loneliness and boredom. Hiring an escort is so much more than hiring a prostitute and all you have to do is find the right escort for your needs and budget.
Con: Scam and theft
While it is no question that there are many scammers and thieves out there, all these issues can easily be avoided by picking a reliable service provider. As we mentioned before, it is critical that you do your research and know who the best escort service providers in the area are – and who are those that should better be avoided. Read online research, ask around, read the posts on the dedicated forums, and you should pretty soon have a clear picture in mind of the best and the worst escorts in the area.
Pro: The variety
Choosing your favorite escort among all the amazing escorts in the high-class agencies is like choosing your favorite candy in the candy shop. The variety is huge and apart from the fact that all these men and women have different physical features, they also provide different services. This means that you will likely never get bored of hiring an escort because you can come back to the same agency dozens of time yet you will be able to choose an entirely new experience each time. Not to mention the fact that this is every client’s perfect opportunity to turn their wildest sexual dreams true.
Con: Sexually transmitted diseases
We touched on this subject before and we have to admit that STDs are a very serious issue when it comes to the sex industry and they should not be underestimated. That being said, there is a silver lining. First of all, the high-class escorts all have to be drug & disease free in order to do their job. In some countries where prostitution is legal, they are required by law to get tested regularly in order to get their working permit. Additionally, the high-class agencies require all their employees to be DDF so that is one less thing to worry about. That being said, you should never have unprotected sex with an escort – no exceptions.