Find the best escort girls today! is a database of Asian sex workers from across Germany. Advertising themselves as offering the pearls of Asia, offers photos, models, massage girls, and prostitutes drawing from all across the east. From beautiful petite girls to curvy dominatrixes, or geisha style submissives, has a range of services and girls available for any German client or tourist. These Asian ladies are beautiful examples of the far east, and the database describes the girls on offer as "budding flowers waiting to blossom."
The site bases itself on oriental charm and can source women from across Germany to suit your needs! Many of the women listed of emigrated to Germany post the 2002 legalisation of prostitution in search of better pay, regulated work, and decent working conditions. This means your clientele supports their livelihoods and you can rest assured that the welfare and security of the women listed are verified and regulated. is a continually expanding database that includes numerous models and services across its forums. It offers photographs of girls, upfront, transparent descriptions, and contact details of regulated and discrete brothels and escort services. Whether you want to visit an featured brothel with a large proportion of working Asian girls, or you want to organise a 'sex date' with an escort, is sure to help you find sexual satisfaction!
Brothels go by several names. Sometimes crassly called a whorehouse or pleasure dome, these buildings generally hold a bar and a series of rooms that can be hired by the hour with the girl of your choice. Each brothel is different, but most brothels will be operated by a series of hostesses who will serve you drinks as you wander the floor speaking and viewing the girls working that night.
This gives you a chance to ease into the setting, and to find out what the brothel has on offer. When you find a woman you like you can request a specific timeframe or act. Most acts and times will come with designated brothel rate. After all, these regulated places of business. After agreeing to terms, you will be led to one of the backrooms for your selected time.
If you have some more niche requests, it may be best to call ahead or research who specialises in your kink. Whatever your fetish will be able to provide details of a beautiful Asian lady who can help you reach satisfaction and live out your own fantasy!
Just remember in brothels that you need to operate based on respect. Respect looks like calm, polite language, and listening to the girl's requirements. It will, ultimately, be her choice in whether she engages in business with you, so you need to listen to her rules as well as telling her your desires.
Any extra acts that are negotiated outside of the brothel rates are personal and, as she is the professional, it is impolite to haggle on prices. Also, haggling with the worker may get her in trouble with Brothel management who take cuts of the girl's pay to cover rent.
An escort and prostitute are technically different. An escort will receive compensation for the time spent with the client. In high-end escort industries, this often refers to dates and more immersive girlfriend experiences. However, most of the time, an escort is simply a euphemism for a prostitute. A prostitute is a worker who charges money for sex. These charges are usually on a pay per hour basis with extra payment for particular non-standard acts.
To hire a prostitute or escort, first, you need to find the right worker. There are many girls advertised on and their details and profiles include contact details for getting in touch with the girl or her agency. Her profile should also list what she would be comfortable with. Most of the time after placing an initial enquiry call, you will be quoted a base fee and given a location and time to meet the girl in question. If this is a call-girl service, the girl will come to your home or hotel to spend the designated time with you.
This set-up a great way to make sure that you feel comfortable and prepared for the acts to follow. Once the girl arrives, you will need to negotiate specifics. Make sure you are clear on the initial phone call about what it is you expect from this meeting. Do you want penetrative sex and foreplay? Are you looking for role play? Will she be comfortable with rough sex? Assuming what is ok is not a safe or consensual way to engage in the sex industry.
Dealing with sex workers with respect is easy. Simply remember that these women are professional, human beings and worthy of being spoken to in a real human way. They also deserve some modicum of privacy and pleasure. The emotional weight of any sex work is off you as a client. Your partner will want you to relax, enjoy the ride, and find your pleasure from them. However, bearing in mind the mental and physical well-being of the girl you are with is very important. It is also essential to remember to keep any judgement of sex workers to yourself. These are professional workers engaging in an established and regulated industry, and casting aspersions on their motivations isn't a great way to have an excellent, sexual encounter with that person. is an excellent database filled with Eastern beauties from a range of Asian countries. Many of the women will hail from Thailand, South Korea, China, and Japan; and all will be thrilled to work with you to find your sexual pleasure! These women fit all types of desires and have a range of skills to help you enjoy your time in Germany's sex industry.